Bondai Brewery: Beer and hiking

Another beer-themed trip, this time in the Friulian Alps, more precisely in Sutrio at Birrificio Bondai. It was an event organized as collaboration between Homebrewers FVG and Homebrewers Gorizia, with a visit to the brewery and beer tasting. As the location is in the middle of nature, my girlfriend Noemi and I decided to make a two day trip to visit the brewery and enjoy some hiking in the Alps.

Day 1: The brewery

List of tasted beers:

  • Listen… Can you hear it (American IPA, 6.2% ABV)
  • Point Break (American Pale Ale, 5.2% ABV)
  • Ben Fumade (Rauchbier, 5.2%)
  • Paura Paura (English Porter, 5% ABV)
  • P.E.R.L.A. (Imperial Stout, 8% ABV)

Day 2: Hiking

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